Friday 16 February 2018

New Home!

It's finally here, and I'm in love!  What do you think of my new space?  I feel so lucky, and it's amazing to finally have my own workshop.  It's something I've been waiting for for a very long time.

I've already had two classes in here, both of which went well, and it was lovely to hear everyone's positive comments about The Sett.  I think a few people may have added a cabin to their wish list for Santa in readiness for next year!

Having moved everything in here, we now have a spare room in the house again, so Mr Badger is happy too.  Turns out there was actually a floor in there.  Who knew?!

The Sett even doubles for my other job, so I can put on my therapy hat in a nice quiet, peaceful setting.  I qualified almost ten years ago now, and I've been holding out for my own "office" since then - I guess good things really do come to those who wait.

I'm busily planning my next classes, and would love to see you there!  Next up is Scrapbooking on 6th March (still time to book) and Birthday Club on 27th Feb (bookings closed), 10th March and 27th March - places still available for the March dates - booking by the end of Feb please!  There's also my Faux Marquetry class on 10th March and I also need bookings for that by the end of Feb.

And now I'm off to play in my room!

Saturday 3 February 2018

Love Is In The... Tree..?

Hello, and Welcome to the Jems' February Blog Hop!  If you've arrived from Uma's blog I know you will have seen some beautiful makes already!

This month's theme is all about love - ahhh! While we haven't restricted it to Valentine's Day particularly, I've sort of half-focused on Valentine's.  I met Mr Badger on 18th February nine years ago, and he proposed a year to the day after that, so since then we have celebrated an amalgamation we have christened our "Valentiversary". It comes in very handy given that we don't have to celebrate on February 14th and therefore avoid all the inflated prices should we choose to eat out!

I was looking for a fairly simple make, something that could be used for a birthday or friendship gift as well as for an anniversary or Valentine. I'm sure you'll recognise my signature rainbow inclusion! I love that this is so simple and yet looks really effective, staying classy while making the most of those little pops of colour. 
Having made this I was really pleased with the design so did a variation on a theme and got Mr Badger's Valentiversary card done as well. I used slightly softer colours for this one: instead of the stark contrast between black and white I've gone for Very Vanilla card and Chocolate Chip ink for the tree. 

Right that's it I'm going to hop on now and leave you to visit the other blogs around this hop. Sarah-Jane is up next, so I'm sure you're in for a treat if you click below and take a look at what she's got in store for you!