Friday 22 June 2018

Behind the Scenes

When people visit The Sett, they often remark on how peaceful it is, using words like "oasis", "bubble" and - unusually for me, "clean"!  I'm actually quite proud that I manage to keep it that way, although there has been the odd occasion where I've let things slide just a little (last week, for example, when the hoover was full and I simply wasn't mentally prepared to tackle emptying it! 😄).

I am not a tidy person by nature, but my Sett serves a dual purpose, and the calm and clean nature of it is essential for my other job: for most of the week I am a psychotherapist and supervisor of other psychotherapists, so The Sett really does have to present a welcoming, neutral space for people to feel safe in when exploring their deepest emotions, hurts and problems.

So that's what makes me tidy.  And that's why when you arrive for a class it will look something like this (hoover status allowing!):

Between classes, and between clients, though, it tends to look something more like... well...

When I haven't got any clients for a couple of days (usually over a weekend), it tends to look as though a small explosive has gone off in a corner of the Stampin'Up! warehouse!

Well, nobody's perfect, right?  A tidy desk may equal a tidy mind, but my opinion is that a desk covered in lovely craft supplies equals an inspired mind, and I know which one I'd rather have 😉

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