Friday 17 May 2019

Geared Up To Get Tiny

I have been meaning to try out this bench fold card from Amanda Bates at The Craft Spa for... well, an embarrasingly long time, really, especially as I managed to lose the original download and she was very kind and sent it me again!  But now I've had a go, I'm in love!

I'm sneaking in just before the Wood Textures DSP retires, but you could equally do this with the Pinewood Planks embossing folder for a similar look.

I got quite involved in doing the fussy cutting from the Classic Garage DSP (also retiring, might need an extra... or two...), swapping the handles around on the screwdrivers, and generally ignoring the need to be a sensible adult and feed my family. I was so pleased with the window and tiny map that I even went ahead and made myself a tiny Pirelli calendar just to give it a hint of authenticity!

For the bench fold tutorial, go here:


  1. Just brilliant Sarah!! And may you enjoy your Bench fold cards! They can become a bit addictive..... thank you for sharing with me and thanks for letting me share on my bloggio too!
